M R . F R I S K O
M R . F R I S K O
M R . F R I S K O
M R . F R I S K O



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Sold / Netherlands

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We buy furniture, lighting and objects, from the 20th century.
Send us an email to misterfrisko@gmail.com, along with photo of the piece.
We will reply to you Asap.
Iets te koop? Laat het ons zeker weten. Wij kopen uw vintagemeubelen graag aan. Nalatenschap / inboedel.
We are always looking for furniture from:
Poul Cadovius, Louis van Teeffelen, Webe, Niels Otto Möller, Charles and Ray Eames, Herman Miller, Kai Kristiansen, Hans Wegner, Bramin, Muntendam, De Ster Gelderland, Cees Braakman, Pastoe, Cesare Lacca, Juul Kristensen, Grete Jalk, Wikkelso, A.A. Patijn, Zijlstra Joure, Knoll Antimott, Niels Bach, Topform, Wilkhahn, Theo Ruth for Artifort, Nisse string, WHB string, Willy Guhl, Johannes Andersen, Uldum Mobelfabrik, William Watting, Fristho, Borge Mogensen, Carl Hansen & Son, Dyrlund, Sven Ellekaer, Arne Wahl Iversen, Komfort, Martin Visser, Spectrum, Mahjongg, Geoffrey Harcourt, Verner Panton, CFC Silkeborg, Gimson and Slater, Tjerk Reijenga, Pilastro, Kill International, Bovenkamp, Aksel Bender Madsen, Omann Jun, Gunni Omann, Ole Wanscher, Cado, Getama, Hans Olsen, Henning Kjaernulf, Bruno Hansen, Dirk Van Sliedrecht, Rohé Noordwolde, Wim Rietveld, Bröderna Gustafssons, W.H. Gispen, Kembo, Cordemeyer, MIS, Eric Buck, Glostrup, Hansen and Guldborg, Ahrend de Cirkel, Kho Liang Ie, Car Katwijk, Rob Parry, Piet Zwart, Bruynzeel, Aksel Bender Madsen, Bovenkamp, Vintageinfo, Propos Hulmefa, Tijsseling, Space Age, Radboud Van Beekum, Aldo van den Nieuwelaar, Charlotte Perriand, Marco Zanuso, Mobili Pizzetti, vintagemeubelen, Galvanitas, GalvanitasS16, VNTG, ...